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If I was a ‘young’ man this erotic behaviour might have caused me to blow my load. Sue starts gripping my bum trying to get me deeper. I slide my knees back a little and settle my groin heavily onto her clit. Sue is squirming her hips under me trying to get herself off again and encouraging me to fuck her. I rapidly withdraw, catching her by surprise and drive back in hard. As I remain still I’m aroused further as her pussy clenches my dick hard. Sue calms down so I start fucking her again. I’m. My cock fought against a full erection.“Yeah, and you’d miss out on the private show home tour!”Fuck, I wanted Keli right then. My testosterone was in overdrive and I felt like I was oozing pheromones. I pulled the keys out of my pocket and dangled them like bait.“That’s what I’m here for,” Keli smiled confidently.It didn’t take long before I closed off my laptop and locked the site office.We stepped into the vacant show home, leaving our shoes in the foyer. Nothing was said as I padded up the. I take a small step toward her, and hook my fingers on the inside of her waistband. I gently tug both her jeans and panties down, and am greeted by a perfectly shaved pussy.“Fuck me,” I whisper in appreciation.“Okay,” she whispers back with a grin.In one movement, I’ve lifted her from the ground and seated her on the sink, my dick inches away from her lips.“I don’t have a condom.”“It’s oka-“I’m balls deep inside her before she even finishes her sentence.FUCK. SHE’S SO FUCKING TIGHT.I pull out. She was moving her ass around like there was no tomorrow. She was about ready to come.That's when she told me she was a squirter. That's a gal who, when she comes really hard, can squirt the juices out of her pussy. I've heard of it and seen it in x-rated movies but never in real life. I had to see this. I got down in between her legs and spread the puffy folds of her pussy when she screamed out and there was a burst of her juices came out. Her juices hit me square in the face. It was.
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